Free & Reduced Meals

Children serving themselves from the salad bar

Households are encouraged to complete a child nutrition meal benefit application to determine if they would qualify for free or reduced priced meals.  Determination is based on income guidelines set by USDA.

Households may complete a child nutrition meal benefits application online at School Cafe any time after July 1st to see if they would qualify for free or reduced priced meals.  Families who do not qualify for meal benefits will be responsible for paying for their child(ren)'s meals.

For more information on child nutrition meal benefits, see the Letter to Households:  English/Spanish

Instructions for how to register an account on SchoolCafe: English / Spanish

Instructions for how to apply online on SchoolCafe for school meal benefits: English / Spanish

Instructions on how to find Meal Benefit Notification Letters in School Cafe:  English/Spanish

If unable to apply online, a paper child nutrition meal benefit application can be completed and mailed to Food Service:  English / Spanish

Consent for Disclosure

Families who qualify for meal benefits can also complete a consent for disclosure - either online or via paper.  The consent for disclosure saves families time by giving Food Service permission to share meal benefit status with other programs so families can receive additional benefits such as reduced instructional fees.  For the online version of the consent for disclosure, click here. Paper copy of the consent can be found here:  English / Spanish

Schoolcafe Website

Monitor student meal accounts by visiting SchoolCafé. You’ll need to set up username and password (Instructions English / Spanish). There are multiple benefits to this new software including the ability to:

  • Apply for meal benefits (free and reduced) - instructions English / Spanish
  • Check status of meal benefits application and view/print meal benefit notifications
  • View Menus with nutrient and allergen information
  • View your child's account balance anytime.
  • See exactly what a la carte items are being purchased.
  • Set limits on a la carte purchases.

E Funds

E funds can be used to add money to your student's meal account for meals and a la carte purchases. 

In eFunds, select Optional Fees in order to add money to student meal accounts.

If your are interested in making a donation to help struggling families pay for school meals, click the button above to provide information for a representative of Food Service to contact you.