Wellness & Smart Snacks
The wellness committee began on a mandate from USDA through the National School Lunch Program in 2005. A districtwide student wellness policy has been approved by the board of education. Each year the committee meets to assess the progress and fine tune goals in areas of nutrition, nutrition promotion & education, physical activity, and integrated school based wellness.
Smart Snacks
The USDA released an Interim Final Rule for Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School (Smart Snacks in Schools). The guidelines went into effect July 1, 2014. The law has specific nutrition standards for all foods and beverages sold to students outside the school meal programs; on the school campus; and at any time during the school day. This includes foods and beverages sold a la carte in the cafeteria, in school stores, at snack bars, through fundraising, from vending machines or any other venues that sell food to students – including coffee shops. The school day is defined from the midnight before, to 30 minutes after the end of the instructional school day. The SMSD Food Service department has created a quick guide for the ‘Smart Snacks’ nutrition standards - please click the link below for more information.
Smart Snacks – SMSD Quick Guide
Smart Snacks Calculator
Is your snack a Smart Snack? Find out with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation Smart Snacks Product Calculator! This calculator has been determined by the USDA, Food and Nutrition Service to be accurate in assessing product compliance with the federal requirements for Smart Snacks in Schools. The calculator can be used for food and beverage items. Use the link below to determine if your item meets the nutrition standards. Print off the results page summary along with a copy of the product’s nutrient and ingredient label for documentation. This documentation should be submitted to the school’s nurse to request approval for a fundraising event.
Smart Snacks Calculator
Exempt Fundraisers
Kansas State Department of Education has developed a policy on exempt fundraisers. Please click the link below for more information.
KSDE Policy - Exempt Fundraisers