

Medications at School
All student medications, including over-the-counter, must be administered through the health room under the supervision of the school nurse.

Medication Administration Guidelines
: A written permission form (Spanish) signed by the parent or guardian must be on file for all medications given at school, including over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Authorization must be renewed every school year.  Over the counter medications forms are typically completed as part of the enrollment process.

Medication: Only FDA approved prescription and OTC medications may be administered by school personnel. OTC medications will be given per package label dosing instructions, unless otherwise prescribed by a physician.

Container: Prescription medication brought to school must be in the original container with a current prescription label on the bottle including the child's name, doctor's name, date, medication name, dosage, and time to be given. If label not available then physician must sign the medication permission form. (Spanish) Controlled substances must be submitted with a Medication Count Form. OTC medications provided by parent must be in the original container and labeled with the student’s name.

Medication Count Form Form

All prescription medications, including inhalers, epinephrine, emergency seizure medication, diabetic medication, and topical medications must be sent to school with the current prescription label attached or a current order from the prescribing physician.

Students with asthma, allergies, seizures, or diabetes may carry and self-administer emergency medication with a signed Authorization for Self Administration of Emergency Medication Form.

Board Policy: Self Administration of Emergency Medication
Kansas Discount Prescription Drug Card