What is Sustainability?
Sustainability is conserving and protecting resources so that they are available for future generations.
Since sustainability was established as a priority for the Shawnee Mission School District as part of a strategic planning process that engaged and invited input from stakeholders, school district leaders and the Board of Education have remained dedicated to the sustainable and efficient use of resources. The school district has convened student summits to garner input and engagement from students to develop sustainability priority areas. Additionally, the school district has partnered with area organizations with similar interests and areas of focus to support sustainability initiatives in the district and community. The district was featured as a partner in the green infrastructure playbook developed by Mid-America Regional Council.
Shawnee Mission Sustainability Youth Summit
Student representatives from all six district high schools were invited to share their concerns and priorities as part of the SMSD Sustainability Youth Summit held initially in March 2016. A second summit was held in Fall 2021 to reaffirm sustainability priorities for the school district. Teachers and students attended the Summit hosted at the Center for Academic Achievement. Professionals and area civic leaders joined the students. Five priorities were identified by the students.
Shawnee Mission Sustainability Priorities
Dr. Leigh Anne Neal
Chief of Early Childhood Education/Sustainability
(913) 993-6412
Susana Belvedere
Executive Secretary for Early Childhood Education/Sustainability
(913) 993-6441