Congratulations to all students who have completed their time receiving Post-High Transition Services this year in the Shawnee Mission School District.
Special educators created and are sharing a virtual ceremony to congratulate students on their accomplishment. While it was disappointing to not gather in person, educators said they hoped the virtual celebration would be a memento students could look back on for years to come, Sherry Dumolien, special education director said.
“We have greatly missed seeing you around the community and participating in your job sites,” Dumolien said. “We wish you the very best with your next endeavor.”
The Post-High program provides individually designed services to students after high school through the age of 21. The program focuses on preparing students to live as independent adults in the community as well as increasing their vocational skill levels.
Earlier this spring, JT Hawthorne reflected on his work experiences while in the Post-High Transition program for Inside Shawnee Mission School District magazine.
“The years I’ve been in this program have been incredible,” Hawthorne said. “It’s helped me make my decisions more clear about what I want to do in the future.”
In keeping with the tradition of the Post-High Exit Ceremony, the virtual ceremony included descriptions of student achievements, memories, future goals, and details about what teachers will miss about the students.
“It has been an amazing journey, they have come so far, and we at SMSD would like to wish these students will in the great future that awaits them,” SMSD Special Education teachers noted in the virtual ceremony.