Shawnee Mission Board of Education Approves Budget for 2024-2025 School Year

2024-2025 SMSD Budget Adopted
Shawnee Mission School District

On August 26, 2024, the Shawnee Mission Board of Education approved the budget for the 2024-2025 school year in the amount of $611,930,693.

The Board established a mill rate of 51.316, and the district continues to maintain the highest possible bond rating. This means when the SMSD seeks to issue bonds, it receives the best possible interest rates on those bonds.

The Shawnee Mission School District budget and finance team developed this budget for Board consideration. Members of this team work in service to the district objective that every student will have a personalized learning plan that supports them in being college and career ready with the interpersonal skills needed for life success.

What District Funds Support

The Shawnee Mission School District serves more than 26,000 students and more than 3,500 staff members.

One of the main funds that supports the district is the Operating Fund, which pays for daily expenditures associated with running the school district. This includes salaries and benefits, transportation, utilities, supplies, and services. In this year’s budget, 84% of the operating expenditures ($309,881,000 in total) were expected to support salaries and benefits.

The SMSD has 34 elementary schools, five middle schools, five high schools, and multiple educational programs. All of the district’s educational buildings amount to 5,600,000 square feet of facilities, $1.8 billion of insured property, and 860 acres of grounds to maintain. 

Non-operational budgets in the district include the Capital Budget and Bond funds. Capital funds are used to purchase educational equipment, and provide for ongoing facilities upkeep and repairs to buildings. Generally, capital funds cannot be used for operational needs.

Bond funds are dedicated to new construction and remodeling projects for district facilities. These also cannot be used for operational needs. Most recently, Shawnee Mission voters approved a $264 million bond issue in January of 2021. The majority of projects associated with this bond have been completed or are underway. This includes five elementary school rebuild projects, updates to all middle and high schools, and the installation of inclusive playgrounds at all elementary schools. Click here for information about this bond.

Budgetary Process

The process of developing a budget for board consideration and approval follows nearly a year-long timeline. It includes the development of a Profile and Needs Assessment, a state-required document that outlined various aspects of the district including staffing, a campus overview, as well as student and school data.

As the budget is developed throughout the year, community members are able to learn about projected operating and non-operating funds during budget workshops. These workshops are typically held in the spring during regular Board of Education meetings.

Click here to view the non-operating funds workshop presentation from April 15, 2024.

Click here to view the operating funds workshop presentation from May 13, 2024

Following these workshops, a required process of notices and budget hearings are held. Once complete, the budget is considered for adoption. Click here to view information related to the adopted budget presented at the August 26, 2024 Board of Education meeting.

How to Stay Informed about the District’s Budget

There are multiple ways for community members to stay informed about the district budget.

The district’s Budget and Finance webpage includes financial facts, information about budget development, and reports. You can also find budget and finance frequently asked questions, school finance history, and information on types of funds

Shawnee Mission’s Facilities and Finance committee holds quarterly public meetings. The meetings are available online. For more information about the work of this committee, visit the Board of Education webpage and click on the “Finance and Facilities Committee” tab.

Updates and workshops are held during or in conjunction with Board of Education meetings. For information about the Board of Education, including agendas and meeting dates, click here.

2024-2025 SMSD Budget Adopted