This summer, a group Shawnee Mission students and teachers worked on strengthening student language and additional academic skills before school even began.
About 140 students who are English Language Learners took part in the summer ELLevate program. This program gives students an opportunity to practice language, reading, writing, and math skills with Shawnee Mission educators.
This year, ELLevate lessons centered around a social studies theme. In addition to classroom interaction and work, students had several opportunities to attend field trips and hear from guest speakers who had visited their classroom. The classes allow students to practice language with peers who have similar ability levels and allows them to strengthen their confidence.
“The program helps students reactivate language skills through reading, writing, speaking, and listening, and also build background experiences and knowledge that they can draw upon throughout their school career,” Pam Palermo, Ellevate program director said. “We want them to have unlimited possibilities so they can choose whatever path they want.”
This program was provided with generous support from the Shawnee Mission Education Foundation.