The Shawnee Mission School District is seeking volunteers to serve on the Digital Learning Task Force. The Task Force – composed of volunteer parents, students, patrons, experts, and educators – will support and advise the continued development of digital learning across the Shawnee Mission School District. We will be selecting Task Force members with an eye toward ensuring a balanced committee with a diversity of viewpoints, including representation from Pre-K/elementary, middle, and high schools.
Follow-up communication will come in late January, 2019 with a convening in mid-February. The progress of the task force will be communicated and maintained on the District’s website including meeting agendas and information documenting the work.
If interested in volunteering to serve on the Task Force, please complete the form provided via the following link:
If you are not selected to serve, please know that your time and response in providing feedback is valued and will help guide the work of the task force.