Business Management and Entreprenueurship
General course information is listed below. Additional information can be found in the SMSD High School Program of Studies.
INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS / #6030 - In this course, students will learn the steps toward a successful career in marketing, finance, or management. Students will gain exposure to types of business ownership, banking, credit, marketing, and technology, and will acquire 21st century skills necessary to be successful in today’s workforce.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP / #6947 - Effective business planning is the cornerstone of success. This course teaches entrepreneurs to state their business passion in practical terms with methods for analyzing their market and competition, setting achievable goals, and focusing on a strategic business plan. Students will identify a business they would like to own and operate, and create a plan to start it. Local entrepreneurs will share successes.
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT / #6031 - This course is designed to acquaint students with basic economic functions, small business operation and entrepreneurship. Skills reinforced in this course include the functions of management, production operations, personnel, marketing, and accounting overviews. Finance and investments and international business are also emphasized. Students will become aware of the importance of business in our economy, the value and qualities of well-trained management, and be better prepared to be successful participants in the business world.
BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS / #6036 - This course will help students to develop an understanding and appreciation for effective communication in business situations and environments. Emphasis is placed on all phases of communication: speaking, listening, thinking, responding, reading, writing, communicating non-verbally, and utilizing technology for communication. Business communication functions, processes, and applications in the context of business may be practiced through problem-based projects and real-world applications.
BUSINESS LAW / #6120 - This course is designed to expose the student to our legal system, civil and criminal law. Topics will include law as it relates to business ownership, consumer protection, and contractual agreements. Real situations and specific court cases will be studied. This course is repeatable.
ECONOMICS 1 / #3280 - Economics 1 is designed as an introductory microeconomics course. Students will be exposed to supply and demand, different economies, factor markets, and all aspects associated with production. Students may participate in the Junior Achievement Student Company Program.
ACCOUNTING / #6025 - Accounting is the language of business and is considered a must for college business majors. Accounting is a valuable course for all students pursuing a career in business, marketing, or management. Financial transactions will be analyzed and recorded and financial statements will be produced. Accounting
software will be introduced.
MARKETING PRINCIPLES / #6943 - Marketing is the process by which companies determine which products and services would be of interest to customers and which strategies should be used in sales, communications, and product development. Students will learn how to determine what makes a product popular, how to sell products or services, develop slogans, determine price, identify target audiences, and understand media exposure and the importance of endorsements. Students have the opportunity to participate in DECA activities.