Programming & Software Development
The Programming and Software Development Pathway includes occupations involving the design, development, implementation and maintenance of computer systems and software, requiring knowledge of computer operating systems, computer science, cybersecurity, programming languages, and software development.
General course information is listed below. Additional information can be found in the SMSD High School Program of Studies.
Introduction to Computer Programming / #2033 - Prerequisite – Algebra 1 or concurrent enrollment in Algebra 1
This course provides an introduction to the use of computer programming as a problem-solving tool. The fundamentals of computer programming are the focus of the course. Students will receive an overview of current topics in computer science such as the capabilities of different programming languages and the significance of computer programming in today’s society. Introduction to Computer Programming is not a prerequisite for Programming in Java, but it is recommended for students with little programming background. Credit in this course may not be applied toward minimum graduation requirements in mathematics but may be used to meet elective requirements.
Computer Science Principles (CSP) H / #2216 H - Computer Science Principles (CSP) is a new PLTW course that will be offered at all five high schools. In this course, students work in teams to develop computational thinking and problem solving skills. The course covers the College Board’s new CS Principles framework. The course also aims to build students’ awareness of the tremendous demand for computer specialists and professionals in all fields who have computational skills. Students create apps for mobile devices, automate tasks in a variety of languages, find patterns in data, and interpret simulations. Students also collaborate to create and present solutions that can improve people’s lives. Students enrolling in the course may qualify for JCCC credit (College Now).
Computer Science A AP / #2096 AP - Prerequisite – Computer Science Principles (CSP), Algebra 2 or
concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2
This is a highly technical course in which students learn to apply a wide variety of advanced computer science principles (CSP). Students enrolled in this course may qualify for college credit at JCCC (College Now).
Advanced Programming Concepts H / #2097 - Prerequisite – AP Computer Science A
This course develops skills that build upon concepts previously acquired through the AP Computer Science A course. Objectives of the course include: Data Structures (Binary Trees, Linked lists, Stacks, queues, etc.),
Methods of Advanced Algorithms (sorting, searching, and filtering), Object Characteristics, and Advanced Graphics Techniques. Students will also have the opportunity to enhance their employability skills by applying
Common Sector Workplace Competencies, setting the stage for possible internship opportunities in the 2nd semester of the course. To be eligible for internship opportunities, students will go through an application process.
Computer Science - Independent Study / #2101 - Prerequisite – Teacher recommendation
This course is a study of computer science beyond that normally offered in the regular course. Students work on individual projects with a selected teacher.
Cybersecurity H (CAA)/ #6632 Prerequisite – Computer Science Principles or Intro to Computer Programming or Digital Electronics recommended
Students identify cybersecurity threats and protect against them; detect intrusions and respond to attacks; begin to examine their own digital footprint and better defend their own personal data; and learn how organizations protect themselves in today’s world. Whether seeking a career in the growing field of cybersecurity or learning to defend a company’s data, students in Cybersecurity establish an ethical code of conduct while learning to defend data in today’s complex cyber world. This course, offered as part of the PLTW® pathway, brings together the strands of computer science and engineering. Students have the option to continue their study independently pursuing CompTIA Security+ certification with instructor support.