Emergency Safety Intervention (ESI)

The Shawnee Mission board of education is committed to only using Emergency Safety Interventions (ESI) such as seclusion and restraint when a student's conduct makes it absolutely necessary to protect the student, another student, or property. The board of education encourages all employees to try other behavior tools, including prevention techniques, de-escalation techniques, and positive behavioral intervention strategies.

ESI Resources and Information: 

Board of Education Policy GAAF

Kansas Emergency Safety Interventions Law 

Parent Notice of Emergency Safety Intervention  

ESI Parent Information 

Parent Request for ESI Notification

ESI Medical Information Form​

ESI Standards for Use

Kansas State Department of Education 
Trish Backman

Families Together (Parent Training and Information Center and Family-to-Family Center)

Disability Rights Center of Kansas​
877-776-1541 or 785-273-9661

ESI Definition

“Emergency Safety Intervention” is the use of seclusion or physical restraint when a student presents an immediate danger to self or others.  Violent action that is destructive of property may necessitate the use of an emergency safety intervention. 

- Board of Education Policy GAAF, (See Kansas Administrative Regulations. 91-42-1)


Department Contact

David Stubblefield
Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Leadership​
(913) 993-6416