Welcome to the Registration Page for Shawnee Mission School District!
2024-2025 Enrollment Open
2025-2026 Enrollment Now Open
Please Note: This process will not work on your mobile phone. If you do not have access to a tablet, laptop or desktop, please contact your individual school to schedule an appointment to enroll.
new skyward family access account (for families new to the district)
skyward family access (for families with students already in the district)
Please be prepared to provide the following documents with your enrollment application:
- Birth Certificate
- Proof of Residence (current lease or mortgage statement AND two current utility bills)
- Immunization Record
- Physical Examination (students 8 years and younger)
- Parent Photo ID
Additional information on physical examinations and immunizations may be found on the Health Services page.
If you need help with New Student Enrollment please contact:
Pre-K Susana Belvedere 913- 993-6441
K-12 Savanna Hollenbeck 913-993-6464
Age Requirements
Out-of-state resident: Any child who was a resident of another state, who had reached the age of eligibility to enter kindergarten in that state, and who attended kindergarten in that state is eligible to attend kindergarten in Kansas, regardless of his or her age. Any child who was a resident of another state and has completed a kindergarten course maintained by a public school district or an accredited private, denominational, or parochial school will be eligible to enter first grade, regardless of his or her age.
Kansas resident: Any child who resides in the district and who will reach the age of 5 on or before August 31 of any school year is eligible to attend kindergarten that year. Any child who resides in the district and will reach the age of 6 on or before August 31 of any school year is eligible to attend first grade that year.
Residency Requirements
Detailed definitions of residency are provided in the student section of the SMSD Board of Education policy manual (Student Admissions To/Withdrawals From - School Board Policy JBC). Additional explanation of the policy can be provided by building principals.
Residence Provider (RP)
In the instance that a student and/or family is living with a resident of the district on a full-time basis, but they are not the homeowner, paperwork must be filled out and notarized for that student to seek residence status. This includes providing required proof of residency from both the homeowner and parent(s). Residence provider packets may be obtained in-person at all school offices or at the links below:
2024 - 2025 RP family living in the home packet.pdf
2024 - 2025 RP family living in the home packet SPANISH.pdf
2024 - 2025 RP juvenile living in the home with a non-parent packet.pdf
2024 - 2025 RP juvenile living in the home with a non-parent packet SPANISH.pdf
2024 - 2025 RP adult student packet.pdf
2024 - 2025 RP adult student packet SPANISH.pdf
Once the packet is completed and proof of residency documents are gathered, proceed to enroll at your student's school. The information will be reviewed by building administration for approval, however, it may also be referred to the Residency Office for additional review and approval. The district reserves the right to request residency verification and updated proof of residency periodically up to and including a formal residency hearing at any time.
Please note: the residence provider process cannot be used to bypass transfer procedures.
If you have further questions, please contact:
SMSD Residency Office at 913-993-7986
Transfer Students
The general policy of the school district requires a student to attend the school designated for the attendance area in which he or she lives. However, under certain circumstances, a student may be allowed to transfer to a school in a different attendance area. Transfers are considered on a case-by-case basis and are subject to space availability from year to year. The district does not supply transportation for transfer students. Review the board policy and the Transfer Procedures page. (In-District Transfers - School Board Policy JBCB)
Students living in Kansas, but not within the district's boundaries, may attend Shawnee Mission schools if a nonresident transfer request has been submitted and approved based on nonresident transfer criteria.
Review the Open Enrollment page for more details.