1.    First, the total number of staff members for each middle school was multiplied by 5. This allowed us to determine the maximum number of classes/sections that our assigned staff members could teach based on provisions within our negotiated agreement.

2.       Next, the 2024-2025 projected enrollment, by grade level for each school, was provided by the SMSD business office. This total enrollment of the school was then multiplied by 7. Each of our students takes 7 classes, so this calculation allowed us to determine the total number of seats our projected enrollment students would need.

3.       Next, the total number of classes/sections (#1) was multiplied by 25. This value provides the maximum number of seats available when the school is at its capacity.

•   This value of 25 represents the maximum class size for each of our middle school classes in SMSD for the purpose of determining the number of open seats.

•   This number was determined by looking at the class range/optimum class guidance for ELA classes that the district provides to schools.

This class range/optimum class guidance has been in place for a number of years. Currently, the optimum class size for middle school ELA classes is 27.

•   The ELA class range/optimum class guidance was used because every student is required to take an ELA course each year.

•   The optimum class size for ELA (27) minus 2 was used to determine the number of open seats. Subtracting 2 students from the optimum was utilized to account for natural matriculation of students into our district throughout the year and the need to have seats available for these students. This also accounts for and allows for variance across content areas.

•   For any title buildings, the optimum class size for ELA (27) minus 3 was used to determine the number of open seats. Subtracting 3 students from the optimum was utilized to account for the needs to title buildings and the natural matriculation of students into our district throughout the year and the need to have seats available for these students. This also accounts for and allows for variance across content areas.

4.        Next, we subtracted the maximum number of seats in the building when at capacity (#3) and the number of seats that our projected enrollment students would be occupying (#2). This calculation provides the total number of seats that are available for transfer students.

5.     Next, we divided the total number of seats available to transfer students (#4) by 7 which allowed us to determine the maximum number of transfer students the school could accommodate. Each student has 7 classes on their schedule which is why we divided by 7 here.

6.       We then utilized this maximum number of transfer students that could be accommodated (#5) and the specific grade level projected enrollments to determine the number of transfer students that could be accommodated per grade level.

7.     Finally, the calculated number of students was rounded down to the nearest whole number.

8.       Schools with a total enrollment at or above 875 students have been closed for transfers (all grade levels). The optimal overall building capacity at the middle school level is 875 students.