McKinney-Vento Homeless Service

Department Contacts:

Dr. John McKinney
Director of Family & Student Services

David Aramovich, LMSW
McKinney-Vento Liaison

Rebecca Schnoebelen
Facilitator of Federal Programs

Fax: 913-993-8799

Who is eligible for McKinney-Vento services?

A student or family that:

  • Is lacking a regular, fixed, and adequate nighttime residence (substandard housing)
  • Is sharing housing due to economic struggles
  • Is living in a shelter, hotel, or motel
  • Is living in a public place not designed for sleeping (cars, parks)
  • Is an unaccompanied youth.  This includes all youth who are not in the physical custody of a parent or court appointed guardian
  • Is a child or youth abandoned in a hospital
  • Is a migrant child who qualifies under any of the above

Contact the Family & Student Services Office if you think your child(ren) may qualify for McKinney-Vento services.

A McKinney-Vento student has the right to:

  • Attend their school of origin (known as the "homeschool") or the school for the area where the student currently lives
  • Immediately enroll in school without providing documents, including proof of residency
  • Free lunch from the first day of enrollment
  • Transportation Options Available
  • Participate in school-related activities

KSDE Homeless Fact Sheet

Shawnee Mission Resource Packet
English Version
Spanish Version