Pay Fees
School Fees
The fee schedule, as approved by the Board of Education, lists required fees, school meal prices, and optional fees. High school and middle school course fees can be found in the program planning guides.
Pay Online
Shawnee Mission partners with eFunds for Schools to collect online payments for school fees and meals. Families have the option to pay by credit card, debit card or have funds electronically withdrawn from their checking account.
Convenience Fees
The service provider charges a processing fee. A $3 flat transaction fee will be charged for each transaction when paying by credit card; a flat $1.75 transaction fee will be charged for each transaction when paying by ACH. Families are able to pay fees for multiple students in one transaction.
Instructional Resource Fees
The Shawnee Mission School District, like all other school districts in Kansas, maintains a dedicated fund, with all money in that fund used to purchase instructional resources and textbooks. For many years, parents of elementary and secondary students were charged a fee for instructional resources. In 2015-16, this fee was eliminated for elementary students, and reduced for secondary students.
With more instructional resources moving on-line, it was anticipated that the costs of instructional materials would decline, and that less money would be needed in the textbook revolving fund budget line. Unfortunately, that has not turned out to be the case, and for the past several years, this line has run a deficit, which has had to be covered out of general operating funds.
To compound this challenge, the district has acted over the last several years to update instructional materials in several areas, spending millions of dollars each year. This has necessarily increased the deficit in the instructional materials line item.
To remedy this situation, in 2022-23 the Board of Education reinstituted a $60 instructional resource materials fee at the elementary level and $100 instructional resource materials fee at the secondary level.
Families who qualify for free/reduced lunch can apply to have these fees reduced or waived through their school office.