Vision Insurance

Vision Service Plan Information and Documents

​​​​​​​VSP Better Provider Choices

VSP Member Portal

VSP Customer Service -  

Vision benefits include reasonable co-pays for eye exams, prescription glasses, and contacts with reasonable co-pays.

  • The plan is available to eligible employees, spouses and dependent children.
  • Eligible dependent children can be covered through the end of the calendar year of their 26th birthday. 
  • The district does not contribute to the cost of the monthly vision premium. Premiums will be payroll deducted on a pre-tax basis.
  • VSP does not send out membership cards.   Please let your provider know you have VSP and they can verify your enrollment in the VSP portal.

Employee  - $14.99 per month

Employee + One/employee +family - $32.30 per month

VSP Insurance Plan