District Program Evaluations 2019-2020
District departments present evaluations of their programs to the board of education each month for the 2019-20 school year. The following departments have presented:
October 2019
Jump Start to Learning
Jump Start to Learning Program Evaluation
March 2020
Dr. Michelle Hubbard, assistant superintendent of leadership and learning, introduced Dr. Darren Dennis, director of curriculum, research, and instruction, and Ms. Sherry Dumolien, director of special education, who presented the program evaluations for curriculum and special education to the board.
Academic Program Evaluation
March 2020
Dr. Ed Streich, chief of student services and Dr. John McKinney, director of family and student services presented a report regarding students and families served by:
504 plans (accommodations and services to meet the needs of students with disabilities),
the McKinney-Vento program (which serves students who are identified as homeless),
the Migrant Education program, and foster care.
They also shared details about Project Home. This program provides twice-a-month opportunities to help families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to meet with officials from various agencies who can provide assistance.
Student and Family Service Program Evaluation