ESSER I Johnson County Sparks ESSER I SPED Total
2,640,674 1,200,000 297,669 4,138,343
YTD Spending of ESSER I and JoCo Sparks
Air Ventilation | $982,456.27 |
Contractual Services - Nurse/Custodial | 560,492.73 |
PPE | 508,767.87 |
Certified Substitutes | 478,954.43 |
EPSL | 401,232.75 |
Internet Hot Spots | 256,200.00 |
Laptops for Remote Work | 234,134.33 |
Food Service Assist Cleaning | 208,461.73 |
Learning Management System | 147,900.00 |
Principal of Remote Learning | 121,269.15 |
Extra-Duty Pay | 91,653.65 |
Private School | 91,177.01 |
Summer School Tuition | 40,115.00 |
Occupational Therapy Assistant | 15,528.08 |
Total ESSER I as of 6/30/2022 | $ 4,138,343.00 |